RAW Pocket Ashtray


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  • Slim & Discreet Portable Ashtray. 
  • Heat Resistant inner foil extinguishes smokes instantly. 
  • The perfect companion for a conscientious smoker. 

Quick! You need to ash your smoke but you can't do it here. Where are you supposed to do it? Carry the small RAW Pocket Ashtray for a quick and convenient ashing spot!

These handy pocket ashtrays are lined with foil to contain smoke and any heat, allowing you to safely ash in the convenience of your pocket. You can even drop your butts in and they will self-extinguish!

If you care about containing your smoke ashes, grab a RAW Pocket Ashtray today for peace of mind.3

This portable pocket ashtray was originally made for Japan (where ashing on the street is illegal). We created a simple but magnificent solution – The RAW Pocket Ashtray!  Small enough to fit in your pocket so you can go anywhere with it, the RAW Pocket Ashtray has a heat resistant inner foil to extinguish your butt instantly when the flap is sealed shut.  It also has a snap button closure so it won’t open up and spill ashes in your pocket.

Josh Kesselman

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