About RAW

Buy RAW rolling papers online and so much more at waterbedsnstuff.com! We have genuine RAW papers, RAW cones, and even exclusive RAW apparel.

Waterbeds 'n' Stuff is one of a select few official distributors of RAW products, so we only sell the best genuine RAW rolling papers and pre-rolled cones. And because we are an official distributor, we get the inside scoop on new RAW products and are one of the first stores online to receive them.

Buy RAW online with confidence from Waterbeds 'n' Stuff, a trusted distributor for RAW.

About RAW Products

RAW products are among the most popular, most respected, and most recognizable brands of rolling papers in the cannabis community. RAW rolling papers and pre-rolled cones are all-natural, unrefined, and vegan.

Pre-rolled cones are cannabis papers that have already been rolled. Approximately 492.8 million pre-rolls were sold across the United States and Canada in one year.

If you don't have any experience with hand-rolling or have joint pain in your hands, pre-rolled cones are an easy way to enjoy cannabis. Since they're relatively small, pre-rolled cones are also easily transportable.

As official RAW distributors with authentic RAW products, waterbedsnstuff.com carries all of the legendary and most sought-after RAW brand cones, rolling papers, and other smoking accessories.

Impress even the most discerning cannabis connoisseur with your selection of RAW pre-rolled cones. Any dispensary or smoke shop that doesn't carry RAW products risks alienating its customer base. Browse our RAW shop at waterbedsnstuff.com to get everything RAW – from RAW cones and RAW rolling papers to a RAW backpack and become a one-stop RAW smoke shop.

What is RAW?

RAW is an American company based out of Phoenix, Arizona. To create many of their products, including their ultra thin Black rolling papers, RAW uses traditional techniques and some of the original machinery in the Alcoy region of Spain.

RAW's founder, Josh Kesselman, was an entrepreneur who wanted to take smoking to new heights, no pun intended. Increasing the popularity of natural fiber rolling papers and making innovations like rolling trays with rounded edges an industry standard, RAW quickly became one of the top rolling paper brands in the world. 

Additionally, because RAW rolling papers contain no chalk, no dyes, and no burn additives, consumers taste only the flavors of their cannabis and not the paper.

Because of their emphasis on sustainable, health-conscious, and eco-conscious products, RAW brand rolling papers are often considered the best rolling papers in the world.

RAW's Commitment to being Vegan, Sustainable, and Natural

RAW is proudly a vegan product, and that extends from its paper to the glue it uses to close its joints.

While most brands rely on a glue made from animal products or harsh chemicals, RAW rolling papers use natural, organic, sustainably-derived Acacia gum.

Not only vegan, but RAW rolling papers also contain no chlorine bleach or chalk and are non-GMO. This is a huge selling point for RAW rolling cones and papers for any health-conscious consumer. Offering RAW papers at your dispensary or smoke shop also shows you care about catering to different kinds of consumers.

With RAW cones made from organic hemp, cannabis-loving shoppers can smoke their flower with a clear conscience. All of this attention to detail creates a product that is genuinely RAWthentic!

Does My Business Need RAW Papers?

By offering RAW cones bulk, we help you make joints accessible to your cannabis novices and cannabis connoisseurs alike. Using RAW pre-rolled cones wholesale promotes ease of use for your premium dank bud offerings, making your business a convenient one-stop-shop for RAW joints to please cannabis newbies and experts alike.

When you buy RAW cones wholesale, you can carry a variety of RAW hemp papers and RAW hemp cones that will take your customers' experiences to the next level of enjoyment.

New cannabis consumers and longtime smokers often look for RAW first. Don't get caught short – stock up on RAW papers wholesale.

Where to Buy RAW Products Wholesale

There's no better place to shop for RAW products than at waterbedsnstuff.com. We are an official RAW distributor with authentic RAW products. We are the number one RAW smoke shop. We have a long, trusting relationship with the fantastic people at RAW, which allows us to offer you the best RAW products wholesale.

We have all the essential RAW smoking products your cannabis business needs, from classic RAW papers to pre-rolled filters.

Even focusing only on hemp and CBD, the RAW brand is excellent for your shelves. The popularity of CBD-rich hemp flowers has surged in the natural wellness industry, and consumers are interested in the cleanest, most natural ways to smoke. You'll want to have RAW papers for them.

Because RAW brand products are so popular, there are several counterfeits. The RAW team encourages people to shop for their products only from authorized sellers and distributors. The RAW team also provides a way to report any counterfeits on their website.

The easiest way to avoid buying fake RAW papers is to always buy from an official RAW distributor (like us!). If you purchased RAW products elsewhere and suspect they might be fake, there's an easy way to tell.
If you hold the paper out, gum line up, and spark a lighter a few inches below (ensure the paper doesn't catch), authentic RAW paper's gum line (made from natural tree sap) rolls upward as the moisture evaporates. The counterfeit RAW paper will roll downward. RAW features a video tutorial on their website.

When you make a bulk RAW purchase from us, you can be confident you're getting genuine RAW products and contributing to a fantastic, charity-minded company. We hope you choose to spread that love by carrying RAW papers at your cannabis business.

RAW Products - The Bottom Line

RAW rolling papers offer high-quality, non-GMO, vegan products that few other companies can match. RAW joint papers are expertly manufactured with unrefined, unbleached natural fibers.
There are absolutely no artificial dyes or added chalk in RAW rolling paper. All RAW papers also have their patented criss-cross watermark, which maintains smooth burning. Every dispensary should strive to be a RAW shop by stocking RAW classic rolling papers.

You can shop all things #Rawthentic on one easy-to-use site! Waterbeds ‘n’ Stuff is officially an authorized RAW retailer and we are proud to offer you all your favorite RAW smoking products at affordable prices. Waterbedsnstuff.com has everything RAW. If you don't find the authentic RAW product you are looking for let us know and we will do our best to get it for you! Due to our distributor agreement, RAW products are only available to be shipped in the United States. We apologize for this inconvenience.

RAW Brand Frequently Asked Questions

The number of RAW papers in a pack is different for each paper size. RAW 1 1/4 papers have 50 papers per pack, King Size Slim RAW papers have 32 papers per pack, and RAW Single Wide papers are 100 papers per pack. Each product page lists how many papers come in a RAW pack, so be sure to check the product before you buy.

RAW Rolling Papers are made of pure plant fibers like organic hemp and plant fibers, which are less processed and unbleached from chlorine. Each RAW paper also features an Acacia tree sap gumline making them chemical-free and environment-friendly.

RAW is a premier line of natural fiber papers perfect for rolling cigarettes and joints.

RAW papers are very inexpensive for how high-quality and illustrious their brand is. RAW papers are as cheap as $1.99 at Waterbeds 'n' Stuff, and our best-selling RAW cones start at $2.99.